Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Laptops in classroom? No problem Essay

Elena Choy is a paraprofessional at NYC Board of Education. In her argument â€Å"Laptops in the Classroom? No Problem† published in the book â€Å"Forming a Critical Perspective†, she believes the arguments that people use in favor of banning laptops in the classroom are not valid arguments to be using to make an assumption. Choy states her side of the argument against banning laptops and proceeds to give four main reasons on why people want to ban laptops: upraised lids of laptops distract the teacher, laptops distract other students, students take overly excessive notes on laptops, users are so busy on the laptop, they don’t participate in group discussion. Choy goes into detail talking about why each of these arguments will not work. Choy uses many different tactics to give evidence for her side of the argument. First of all, Choy uses a stern and matter of fact tone to try and convince the reader that the argument is not valid. This stern tone makes Choy sound confident, which makes it easier for the reader to accept her side of the argument. Choy also uses the point that students pay for tuition. Once a student pays his or her tuition, it is completely up to them as far as making decision on how to spend their time studying and doing homework. This means that if students want to mess around in class and play different games while the teacher is discussing the material from the class, it is not the job of the teacher to be their baby sitter and make sure they are paying attention. She also gives the reason that every student has their own way of taking notes and understanding information to shoot down the argument that people using laptops take too extensive notes. Choy uses these multiple strategies to help shoot down each argument that is for banning laptops. Through the use of many different techniques, Choy analyses the question as to should laptops be banned in classrooms and gives many examples as to why she believes banning laptops would not be helpful. Her confidence is what really makes her argument valid and believable to its readers. Choy achieves this confidence by going from one reason to the other as though she has a list. This â€Å"list† way of writing, makes her sound more credible because she  has so many different reasons. For example, she uses phrases such as, â€Å"Let’s look at each of these arguments (Choy)† and â€Å"Which gets to the second argument (Choy).† She does not show any doubt in her writing. This type of diction makes her seem extremely confident in her statements, and the more confident she seems, the more believable her argument becomes. Another reason Choy effectively analyzes the argument in this essay is the fact that she fully acknowledges the other side of the argument and spends a good bit of time discussing it. Throughout most of the essay, she spends time on giving reasons argument for banning laptops are wrong. If Choy would have only given the reasons as to why laptops should be allowed in the classrooms, then the audience would not listen to what she has to say because everything would be extremely biased. In her analysis, Choy admits the main points to the argument for laptops being banned in the class. However, she gives specific examples each argument against laptops and knocks out each one by giving a specific example as to why it wouldn’t work. For example, she says, â€Å"we go too far when we prohibit students from taking notes in the way they find most useful (Choy).†The strategy of admitting a few points and then shooting all of these points down really enhances the argument to make it more believable. Choy used multiple strategies to help make her argument credible. Her argument is well organized and believable for readers, however, I feel that Choy spends too much time talking about the arguments for banning laptops in the rooms. This is one area where Choy could improve to make her argument stronger. She spends most of the time on proving the reasons for banning laptops and never gets deep into talking about why laptops should be allowed. If Choy were to add reasons and examples as to why laptops should be allowed, it would add the finishing touches to an already successful argument. Overall, Choy does a fantastic job of getting her point across and trying to convince her readers as to why banning laptops in the classroom would not make much of a difference and could possibly be harmful to students ability to learn in class.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of Alcoholic Drinks to College Students Essay

Although alcohol may give you a feeling of elation and aroused senses due to a lessening of inhibitions during the early stages of alcohol intoxication, alcohol is a depressant. It depresses the central nervous system—leading to slowed reactions, slurred speech, and ultimately, to unconsciousness. Alcohol progressively affects different brain areas. Alcohol first affects the part of the brain that controls inhibitions. When people lose their inhibitions, they may talk more, get rowdy, and do foolish things. After several drinks, they may feel â€Å"high,† but really, their nervous system is slowing down. Alcohol acts fast because it is not digested like food. Instead, it moves directly into the bloodstream from the stomach and small intestine. It takes a long time for alcohol’s effects to wear off—as it takes approximately one hour for the liver to process the alcohol in one drink. ALCOHOL’S DAMAGING EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory: Clearly, alcohol affects the brain. Some of these impairments are detectable after only one or two drinks and quickly resolve when drinking stops. On the other hand, a person who drinks heavily over a long period of time may have brain deficits that persist well after he or she achieves sobriety. Exactly how alcohol affects the brain and the likelihood of reversing the impact of heavy drinking on the brain remain hot topics in alcohol research today. We do know that heavy drinking may have extensive and far–reaching effects on the brain, ranging from simple â€Å"slips† in memory to permanent and debilitating conditions that require lifetime custodial care. And even moderate drinking leads to short–term impairment, as shown by extensive research on the impact of drinking on driving. A number of factors influence how and to what extent alcohol affects the brain (1), including * how much and how often a person drinks; * the age at which he or she first began drinking, and how long he or she has been drinking; * the person’s age, level of education, gender, genetic background, and family history of alcoholism; * whether he or she is at risk as a result of prenatal alcohol exposure; and * his or her general health status. BLACKOUTS AND MEMORY LAPSES. Alcohol can produce detectable impairments in memory after only a few drinks and, as the amount of alcohol increases, so does the degree of impairment. Large quantities of alcohol, especially when consumed quickly and on an empty stomach, can produce a blackout, or an interval of time for which the intoxicated person cannot recall key details of events, or even entire events. Blackouts are much more common among social drinkers than previously assumed and should be viewed as a potential consequence of acute intoxication regardless of age or whether the drinker is clinically dependent on alcohol (2). White and colleagues (3) surveyed 772 college undergraduates about their experiences with blackouts and asked, â€Å"Have you ever awoken after a night of drinking not able to remember things that you did or places that you went? † Of the students who had ever consumed alcohol, 51 percent reported blacking out at some point in their lives, and 40 percent reported experiencing a blackout in the year before the survey. Of those who reported drinking in the 2 weeks before the survey, 9. 4 percent said they blacked out during that time. The students reported learning later that they had participated in a wide range of potentially dangerous events they could not remember, including vandalism, unprotected sex, and driving. Binge Drinking and Blackouts| †¢ Drinkers who experience blackouts typically drink too much and too quickly, which causes their blood alcohol levels to rise very rapidly. College students may be at particular risk for experiencing a blackout, as an alarming number of college students engage in binge drinking. Binge drinking, for a typical adult, is defined as consuming five or more drinks in about 2 hours for men, or four or more drinks for women. | ARE WOMEN MORE VULNERABLE TO ALCOHOL’S EFFECTS ON THE BRAIN? Women are more vulnerable than men to many of the medical consequences of alcohol use. For example, alcoholic women develop cirrhosis (5), alcohol–induced damage of the heart muscle (i. e. , cardiomyopathy) (6), and nerve damage (i. e. , peripheral neuropathy) (7) after fewer years of heavy drinking than do alcoholic men. Studies comparing men and women’s sensitivity to alcohol–induced brain damage, however, have not been as conclusive. Using imaging with computerized tomography, two studies (8,9) compared brain shrinkage, a common indicator of brain damage, in alcoholic men and women and reported that male and female alcoholics both showed significantly greater brain shrinkage than control subjects. Studies also showed that both men and women have similar learning and memory problems as a result of heavy drinking (10). The difference is that alcoholic women reported that they had been drinking excessively for only about half as long as the alcoholic men in these studies. This indicates that women’s brains, like their other organs, are more vulnerable to alcohol–induced damage than men’s (11). SUMMARY Alcoholics are not all alike. They experience different degrees of impairment, and the disease has different origins for different people. Consequently, researchers have not found conclusive evidence that any one variable is solely responsible for the brain deficits found in alcoholics. Characterizing what makes some alcoholics vulnerable to brain damage whereas others are not remains the subject of active research (34). The good news is that most alcoholics with cognitive impairment show at least some improvement in brain structure and functioning within a year of abstinence, though some people take much longer (35–37). Clinicians must consider a variety of treatment methods to help people stop drinking and to recover from alcohol–related brain impairments, and tailor these treatments to the individual patient. Advanced technology will have an important role in developing these therapies. Clinicians can use brain–imaging techniques to monitor the course and success of treatment, because imaging can reveal structural, functional, and biochemical changes in living patients over time. Promising new medications also are in the early stages of development, as researchers strive to design therapies that can help prevent alcohol’s harmful effects and promote the growth of new brain cells to take the place of those that have been damaged by alcohol.  ¦ As well as damaging their health, university students who drink too much alcohol may also be damaging their academic performance. Alcohol: The Benefits of Moderate Drinking Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts can have positive influences on physical and mental health. While alcohol is one of the most widely abused substances on the market, it is also one that features certain benefits for drinkers who consume it in safe amounts. For individuals who consume low levels of alcohol, benefits like reduced stress, increased cardiovascular health and decreased risk of developing type 2 diabetes offer a wealth of reasons for consumers to drink in moderation. Reduce Stress, Anxiety and Tension Research shows that the consumption of alcohol in moderate amounts can lead to certain psychological benefits. Low levels of alcohol can trigger stress reduction, easy feelings of anxiety and help consumers to reduce tension. In addition, low levels of alcohol consumption can also cause the consumer to feel more pleasant and relaxed. Studies on sleep show that people who drink in moderation get more sleep on average than do those who indulge in excess. These psychological effects of moderate drinking are positive ones that can be beneficial to the consumer. A Longer Life The positive psychological effects of drinking in moderation can be associated with the studies that show moderate drinkers tend to love longer than people who don’t drink at all or those who drink in excess. Studies from a number of different countries including China, the United States and England indicate that longevity is highest among groups of people who drink alcohol in moderation. Increased Cardiovascular Health Several studies have shown that drinking alcohol in moderation has a positive correlation with certain aspects of cardiovascular health. In particular, the risk of developing coronary artery disease is significantly lowered in conjunction with moderate consumption of alcohol. Another link between alcohol and cardiovascular health shows that moderate consumption of alcohol has a positive correlation with survivability in the event of a heart attack. Those who drink low levels of alcohol are more likely to live and less likely to experience another heart attack. Alcohol produces several positive effects on the body when consumed in low levels. For example, it increases levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Alcohol also acts as a blood thinner once it enters the human body, much like common aspirin does. Thus, when consumed in moderation, it can reduce the likelihood of developing blood clots in arteries. Decreased Risk for Type 2 Diabetes While consuming alcohol in large quantities has been proven to put drinkers at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes, some studies show that drinking in moderation might have the opposite effect. The relationship between alcohol and type 2 diabetes is the focus of a great number of ongoing studies. Findings show, however, that moderate drinkers are less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than heavy drinkers. All of these health benefits associated with moderate drinking serve as an incentive for consumers to limit their levels of alcohol intake. Too much alcohol eliminates the health benefits described above. The best way to maximize on the health benefits of alcohol is to consume it in low levels. Negative Effects of Drinking Alcohol on Physical Fitness While occasional alcohol use may not have a major impact on physical activity, there is a clear link between sports, exercise and drinking alcohol. In fact, alcohol is the most widely used drug by athletes which is why alcohol related difficulties seem to be more common among those who exercise regularly. It is clear that drinking in excess can negatively influence exercise. Studies done to determine the influence that alcohol has on exercise Studies have shown that consuming alcohol has the following influence on exercise: *Diminishes the use of amino acids and glucose by the muscles of the skeleton *A detrimental influence on the supply of energy *An impairment in metabolism while exercising In addition, persuasive evidence implies that continual use of alcohol is connected with unfavorable effects on systems of the body and organs, including the liver, brain, heart and blood vessels. Exercising while under the influence of alcohol Drinking alcohol has a negative influence on motor skills, stamina and aerobic ability. Alcohol has the following effects on motor skills: *Delayed reaction time *A decrease in hand-eye coordination *Less precision and balance Alcohol has the following effects on strength training and short term athletic functioning: *A decline in athletic performance as a whole. *Decreased times in cycling and running *Weakened pumping power of the heart *Impaired temperature control while exercising *Weakening of grip strength *Decreased jump altitude *Lower 200 and 400-meter running performance *Becoming tired more quickly while participating in high-intensity workouts Alcohol has the following effects on aerobic performance: *Dehydration *Considerably diminished aerobic performance *Hindered 800 and 1500-meter running speeds *An increase in health risks after working out in hot atmospheres for an extended amount of time Working out with a hangover. A hangover is caused by a number of factors including, dehydration and toxicity from the alcohol. The symptoms include a gloomy mood and headache. Unfortunately, these side effects can cause a decline in athletic performance. Working out with a hangover has been shown to considerably decrease aerobic adequacy by as great as 11 percent. Long term effects that alcohol has on exercise performance Long term, heavy (more than two drinks each day) alcohol use can impair exercise in the following ways: *Hindering the cardiovascular reaction to exercise. *Cause nutritional deficits from changes in nutrient consumption, digestion and metabolism. *Cause muscle injury, wasting and feebleness in several muscles, including the heart. *Changing the body’s hormonal atmosphere It is also important to note that women might be more susceptible to the toxic results of alcohol on the heart. It is clear that drinking in excess can negatively influence exercise. Alcoholism is a growing problem in the United States and is even a problem in teenagers, too. Unfortunately, there are a variety of negative effects that are associated with the consumption of alcohol. While the negative effects can either be long term or short term, all of them start with the first drink of alcohol. Negative effects may not become apparent immediately, but as time goes on, the adverse effects of alcohol will become more and more noticeable and, in some cases, they can even lead to death. Diseases One of the negative effects that alcohol tends to have is the increased risk for multiple serious diseases. Increased consumption of alcohol can lead to serious medical problems such as cirrhosis of the liver, which often results in death. Infections, sleeping disorders and sexual dysfunctions can also be caused by consumption of alcohol. Recent studies have also shown that consumption of alcohol can actually raise the risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer, throat cancer and intestinal cancer. Consuming alcohol can be very serious and there are many grave negative effects that are caused by alcohol. Avoiding alcohol can help you avoid these adverse effects and perhaps even save your life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Pollution from a primary aluminum smelter for environmental law class Research Paper

Pollution from a primary aluminum smelter for environmental law class - Research Paper Example This paper will evaluate the range of water pollution caused by aluminum smelting and its aftereffects on public health and the environment as a whole. It has been identified that mainly three types of water discharges are associated with aluminium smelting. Process water is the liquid effluent which is mainly used for cooling dung metal casting; it contains small quantities of organic matter, fluorides, oils, suspended solids, and industrial gases. This process also discharges waste water from restrooms and laboratory facilities, and the discharged water contains organic matter and suspended solids. During the aluminium smelting process, drainage water is also discharged. It is estimated that the â€Å"Portland aluminium smelter discharges 73 ML of process water each year† (Salzman, Allinson, Stagnitti, Coates & Hill, 2001). In modern days, an effective system called water treatment center is established in most of the aluminum smelting plants where the water effluents are ac cumulated and eliminated. However, the water treatment center would not be able to eliminate these water pollutants completely. Adams (2011) points out that excess level of fluorine content in water may lead to dental fluorosis. Similarly, aluminum is very toxic to fish and aquatic insects if its concentration exceeds the limit 1 mg/L.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Economy and Infrastructure in South Africa Term Paper

Economy and Infrastructure in South Africa - Term Paper Example Similarly, the country’s GDP is continually increasing. In 2007, the country’s GDP rose by 5.1%. Analyzing the average income of the country reveals South Africa to be a moderately rich country with per capita GNP of US $5685 as per World Bank statement of fiscal year 2008. Thus, the country may be ranked as an upper-middle-income country. The South African economy is very much based on trade. More than 50% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is generated from trade. By adopting modern technologies for production purposes, the country’s products have become very competitive in the international market. The country’s exports mainly include minerals, agricultural produce, machinery, vehicles, electric appliances and chemical products. Gold is one of the most important exports of the country. However, the exports of other goods and services consist of one-fourth of the country’s total GDP generating from trade sector. Other minerals and chemicals contribute more than 30% towards the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) generating from this sector and the rest is contributed by other products such as tobacco, food, drinks as well as textiles. Imports consist of machines, chemicals and plastic products. The industry of South Africa is making up 40% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. The industry sector includes quarrying and mining. The mining sector still plays an important part in the country’s economic progress. However, the country has lessened its economic reliance on mining and raw materials export, especially that of gold, over the few preceding years. The agriculture sector of the country, including forestry and fisheries, makes a very small contribution towards the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country which is only 5%. However, it should be noticed that mining and agriculture is relatively more important for the economy of South Africa than the GDP figures shows. The reason behind it is that the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Memorandum Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Memorandum - Assignment Example Unfortunately, after one year of operations in China, the company’s headquarter did not satisfy the Chinese performance according to the objectives that were set (Bartlett, Christopher, Sumatra, and Paul, 23).  Currently, the organization’s domestic demand was declining as well as its stock price. The new chief executive officer faces a big challenge of building a multinational enterprise due to lack of previous management experience.  The CEO should note that the major problem was due to her difference with Chen in the view and management styles of the market. Other major problems were cultural differences and limited international experience. The CEO should curb the above problems by taking cautious analytical procedures that will make the enterprise to perform efficiently and effectively. The CEO should make the following decisions to solve the problems above:   In the concept of globalization, any element of difference in culture should not be traced in any ca se. Embracing culture will create a platform of togetherness. This will be depicted by preparing meals of different cultures in the cafà ©.   CEO should seek international experience by attending various global workshops that focus on building leadership skills. This will trigger an element of understanding the international appropriately thus doing serious business in the cafà ©. Recommendations of a number of fundamental changes to Levendary Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s new that would significantly affect Levendary’s relationship with Louis Chen, their future growth and expansion prospects in China, and the interrelationship that exists between their Chinese subsidiary and their Denver corporate headquarters. In the beginning, former CEO Howard Leventhal granted great latitude to Chen for their expansion into the Chinese marketplace (Bartlett, Christopher, Sumantra, and Paul, 57).

Friday, July 26, 2019

Corporate HR Policy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Corporate HR Policy - Term Paper Example Bobby’s boss was wrong because he did not truly consider Bobby for the promotion. The company’s preference was to fill in positions by externally recruiting. Corporate HR policy of promoting from within can very beneficial for an organization. â€Å"Often internal or current employees can make the best available candidates because they are already familiar with your company and successful within your culture† (Green, 2007). Another benefit of promoting from within is lower recruiting costs since the candidate is chosen from a limited pool of people that already work for the company. Organizations do not have to spend money advertising job openings when internal recruiting is utilized. The use of internal recruitment positively contributes towards the employee retention rate of the company. Employees that work in a culture in which promotion opportunities are readily available are motivated to perform at a superior level. The risk of an outside candidate not fitting in with the corporate culture of a firm is eliminated by promoting your own employees. When a person is promoted from within into a managerial position the employees are more accepting of their new leader. A good HR strategy is to identify employees with potential and place them in a career advancement track. A few ways that the companies can develop the skills and capabilities of the workers is through job rotation, seminars, training, online training, and educational opportunities. Fast Company made a blunder in their cover story criticizing the human resource profession. The advertisement on the cover of the magazine was violent, bloody, and completely tasteless. The images were similar to those you would see in the advertisement of a horror movie. This mistake was made possible due to a lack of internal control to verify the quality of the work of the writers.  

Culture and Spirituality - Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Culture and Spirituality - Discussion - Essay Example e right to be respected for his or her cultural heritage and that nurses require information about patient’s culture to be able to give sensitive care. The Yoruba spiritual system has one particular trait in that it stresses on extremely ancient African tradition of connecting with natural forces and its ancestral realm in order to better ones life .Its rooted deep in divination that has similarities to philosophical beliefs like those found in Chinese in the I Ching. The Yoruba culture believes in the existence of divinities and spiritual beings. They call the beings Orishas who are ancestors whose great actions earned them divinity .They are contacted when a ‘bembe’ priest is possessed spiritually. The possession by the Orishas is part of the religious ritual and acts as a means of communicating with their God. The spirits are seen as intermediaries between humankind and the supernatural. The Yoruba culture is importance since they believe that Orishas helps an individual in determining their personal destiny and their success since the spirits run through all inanimate, living and all things. Therefore, patients may require that priest be brought to summon the gods for healing. Nurses should therefore be aware of the patient’s culture and fully respect it. (Eggenberger, 2006, pp 34) Deep spiritual seeking are universal traits and most of them come from divination. The Chinese culture mostly looks upwards towards heavenly bodies like the planets and stars not only to understand seasons but for signs to acquire divine will. The Yoruba culture and divination uses bones for rituals. The Chinese Taoists uses patterns on tortoise shells that eventually evolve into hexagons of the I Ching. This is one of the differences between the two traits. Divination systems are passed down by ancestors’ through sacred heritage. They provide fresh guidance especially during changes in our lives and they are a form of good fortune. It helps individuals to satisfy their

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Foundations of Tort Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Foundations of Tort - Essay Example There are also intentional torts where the person being accused harmed the other with the full knowledge of what harm they are causing, for instance defamation and finally there is strict liability tort which covers injuries people suffer from using products, for instance if a person is burnt with hot coffee from a company that did not provide this information, by writing, to the consumers (Butler 2000 162). Torts usually result in compensation of the accusers, rather than the accused facing a jail term or other punitive measures similar to those in criminal offences. Therefore torts are civil suits brought against other people. The plaintiff in a tort has to prove three things in order to be compensated. First, they have to prove that those standing accused have a moral and legal obligation to act in a particular way. Secondly, the plaintiff has to [prove that the accused did not fulfill their obligation. Finally, she or he has to prove that she or he suffered an actual loss because of the accused not fulfilling their duties. Only after these have been established does the plaintiff get punitive or compensatory damages. Torts usually arise from common law principles coupled with legal enactments. The tort rules on compensation in Australia, especially those arising from accidents have been seen as being outdated, therefore inefficient in the way in which they work. In addition, if the party being sued is a government or public entity, there are several possibilities that people could exploit loopholes to get huge and undeserving compensation for mistakes of their own doing. Parties such as local governments in cities and counties could be sued for negligence by their residents should the latter feel that they have suffered a loss, physical harm or otherwise because the local government did not play its part in some sector or service provision, hence the loss suffered. Australia does not have a general system of compensation for victims, except in some very spe cific cases, for instance in traffic accidents. Thus, there is no cap on the amount of money that should be paid out to victims, leading to huge losses in cases of other forms of ‘negligence’ by the authorities. However, due to the increase in law suits against authorities in Australia, there was a necessity to start reforming laws on lawsuits against authorities. This led to the Injury Prevention, Rehabilitation & Compensation Act 2001. However, the laws under this act are still taking a while to be implemented (Muirhead & Hocking 2001, p. 111). The primary focus of the Australian tort law reform focuses more on insurance premiums as opposed to the how deep taxpayers have to dig in their pockets to pay for the numerous lawsuits filed against the authorities. It is becoming a source of concern for many citizens as to the source of money used to compensate victims who think they have been wronged by the negligence of the authorities. A higher dependency on insurance prem iums rather than public coffers has seen insurance premiums skyrocket to unbelievable rates. This dependence has been brought about by the authorities using money in the public coffers as a last resort measure to compensate victims of the authorities’ negligence, leaving a bulk of the money going to compensate on the shoulders of insurers. Application of such overreliance on insurers in other sectors where the government was the underwriter, for instance in the provision of medical and health care, has led to the insolvency of some big insurance companies and the withdrawal of others, because of the unprofitability of such undertakings. The result is that, at the end of the day, it is the taxpayers of a country who end up

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Harley Davidson strategy in the US market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Harley Davidson strategy in the US market - Essay Example Harley Davidson strategy in the US market Harley Davidson strategy in the US market: Harley Davidson executed cost/differentiation strategy in the market of US and focuses on the niche sector to compete with its competitors successfully and efficiently. The factors of differentiation include three main competitive advantages: High standard quality bikes. Premium brand image Customized motorbike manufacturing services. The market share and sales of Harley Davidson in the US motorbike industry proves its successful strategies (Harley Davidson, 2012). Harley Davidson strategy in the international market: Harley Davidson differentiated its brands in all the markets of the world with the image of High-powered motorbikes. The target market of Harley-Davidson in the international market are mostly all the urbanized countries. The company sells its products in more than 67 countries in the world. Harley Davidson distinguishes its brands from competitors by superior quality, high-powered engine and customized design along with the br and loyalty. Harley Davidson is succeeding in accomplishing its targets all over the world with its implemented strategies of global market expansion (TDI Media, 2010). Harley Davidson is facing a threat of environment protection law. This law emphasizes on the production of low consumption vehicles and less pollution emitted vehicle in the world. This has become a serious factor nowadays and every country is considering this factor very critically. Harley Davidson has decided to reduce this threat with product development strategy. ... This strategy is the main strength of Harley Davidson in both US and international market and company is competing successfully with these strategies for a long time in this industry. STRATEGY TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EXTERNAL OPPORTUNITY: A great exploited opportunity by Harley Davidson is the increasing market of women and younger riders; they are becoming more interested in the motor bikes nowadays and the sell of motor bikes in this segment is increasing for the last few years (Mason, 2012). Harley Davidson is implementing the market development strategy to avail this golden opportunity for increasing market share in the growing motorbikes industry. Harley Davidson has decided to bring innovations in its motorbikes according to the needs and wants of women and younger market and introduces those innovated bikes in this new emerging segment of women and younger generation. This strategy by Harley Davidson will capture the interest of the new emerging segment of women and young people in all of its markets in the world. This market expansion will give a great competitive advantage of increased market share to Harley Davidson in the international market and it will produce new records of success in the motorbike industry. STRATEGY TO ADDRESS POTENTIAL THREAT: Harley Davidson is facing a threat of environment protection law. This law emphasizes on the production of low consumption vehicles and less pollution emitted vehicle in the world. This has become a serious factor nowadays and every country is considering this factor very critically. Harley Davidson has decided to reduce this threat with product development strategy. In this development the fuel efficient motorbikes will be manufactured to make the reduction in the fuel consumption and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Chapter 3 Review and Discussion Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chapter 3 Review and Discussion Question - Essay Example While most manufacturing processes are automated, the service organizations cannot adopt this process. Lastly, manufacturing demands physical location for production of products, whereas service designers are least bothered about this aspect. For a good service, the designer should keep in mind factors like legitimacy of services, access to potential clients, competitors in the market, price ranges, cost of maintaining services and demand in the markets. Mass customization refers to the combination of two business practices commonly referred to as craft production and the mass production. Being directed at providing maximum satisfaction to the customers, the practice promotes the notion of providing individualized products to customers with mass production efficiency. Although the application of the notion of mass customization appears promising, there are a number of challenges related to this concept. The challenges that arise secondary to the application of this process may be regarded as being internal complexities or external complexities. External complexities arise when customers face difficulties regarding customization of their ordered products. The uncertainty associated with this process is often the cause of dissatisfaction for the client. Internal complexities on the other hand are related to the internal functions of the company regarding designing of products that are customizable enough to meet the customer’s demands. Due to wide product range and variety that results secondary to mass customization, the company faces internal complexities that may hinder its smooth

Monday, July 22, 2019

Communicate in a business environment Essay Example for Free

Communicate in a business environment Essay 3.1 Describe ways of verbally presenting information and ideas clearly 3.2 Explain ways of making contributions to discussion that help to move them forward 3.3 Describe methods of active listening 3.4 Explain the purpose of summarising verbal communications 4.1 Describe ways of getting feedback on communications 4.2 Explain the purpose of using feedback to develop communication skills Describe ways of verbally presenting information and ideas clearly to present any information or ideas I need clearly I often use simple language and short sentences this makes it easier for everybody to understand. Also I present the information is a variety of ways as some people understand things and concepts in different ways. For example; some people understand by hearing or seeing. Before I present any information or ideas I always plan out what I want to say, I often also take out any information that is not necessary. I also use active and personal language like ‘’you’ and ‘we’’. Explain ways of making contributions to discussion that help to move them forward To make conversation move forward, I often learn to listen to people and give importance for everybody’s ideas. This way I can make positive contributions that can lead to further discussion. I also often do not make a contribution to a subject who isn’t positive or may not affect me or my work. Describe methods of active listening In order to perform within LSG and to develop my skills listening is one the most important skills I should obtain. As it will portray the quality of my relationship with my team and clients. Listening is important as I need to often obtain information from others to learn new things. Methods of active listening include: Listening calmly without interrupting, so that I let the other person speak and show them that I care and respect them Asking others to repeat if I do not understand anything, in order to avoid mistakes Taking notes of important points, so that I do not forget or miss out on any important points Confirming what I have understood, so that there is no misunderstanding of information Explain the purpose of summarising verbal communications The purpose of summarising verbal communication is to identify major points, behaviours, thoughts and feelings that have been discussed. I then often collate all the information I have collected. By doing this is helps to have a clear precise outline of all communications. Describe ways of getting feedback on communications I believe that feedback completes the entire process of communication. Feedback helps us to decide if the communication was effects and useful. I often get feedback from my line manager Scott or I often get it from clients on the phone. If any feedback given is to improve on anything I often make note of the feedback and make a working progress for myself to include the suggestion in my work. Explain the purpose of using feedback to develop communication skills I use feedback for improve my work performance. It helps improve my work ethnic, team work and quality of my work. To help develop communication skills the feedback has to be received and acted upon. Once I have acted upon feedback I always let my line manager Scott know so that he can see I am willing to learn and enthusiastic and this may encourage people to offer me feedback in the future.

Asylum Seekers Essay Example for Free

Asylum Seekers Essay I have chosen to do my discursive essay on asylum seekers. I will try to separate lies from facts. I had to think carefully about this topic as there are so many different views on asylum seekers. I also opted to look into asylum seekers because I found that they are an extremely oppressed group. I will give pros and cons on asylum seekers and try to balance out my argument. The impact and influences people in power have on the mass media is tremendous. Together with the negative media coverage, asylum seekers have been given such a bad image. International asylum law defines an asylum seeker as someone who seeks asylum in a foreign country because of war, violence or out of fear of persecution. Only after the recognition of the asylum seekers protection needs, he or she is officially referred to as an asylum seeker and enjoys asylum seeker status, which carries certain rights and obligations according the receiving country. Over the last four years there have been 138,530 asylum seekers in the UK alone. There are many claims about asylum seekers that give them this – Britain is known for asylum seekers to do what they want wherever and whenever they want; but asylum seekers are not allowed to claim welfare benefits in the UK. I found out about forty organisations working with asylum seekers and it says that 85% starve because they have no food to live on and 95% cannot afford to buy clothes or shoes and 80% are not able to maintain a good healthy life. I also found out that nine out of ten asylum seekers will pretend to be in danger to get into Britain. Over half of asylum seekers in the UK are given permission to stay here. The ideas that are often portrayed of asylum seekers are not just ones of foreigners trying to get into Britain but sometimes asylum seekers are accused of being criminals. I found out that having fled danger in their home country asylum seekers are more likely to become victims of crime in the UK .Most asylum seekers that come to Scotland think that it’s amazing, outstanding some even say paradise. This shows us the impact and difference it actually has on their life. In Afghanistan you wouldn’t be able to go a walk, go out with friends for a while like you do here; there are bombs going off, dead bodies lying around the streets and you would hardly see any of your friends and family. Most of them don’t even go to school whereas in the UK they love going to school even though most of us hate it, they love the fact that they are learning and are getting an education but a down point to going to school over here is that they would have to learn English and know it really well if not then they would find it very difficult. Some say that Scottish are the best people ever and they feel so welcomed when they come here. The list could go on. In Afghanistan they would have to have an arranged marriage where they have no say on what happens and when it happens. Whereas here in the UK they can get married whenever they want and whatever age they want they might not even get married. It would be their own choice. On the other hand people in Scotland /UK don’t think about all those horrible things that happen in Afghanistan. Some people just presume because they’re not from here or had a different coloured skin that they are terrorists. Some are even scared. And some even bully them because they are a different race or have lost a family member. We dont think of what we actually have†¦ fully educated and we can do a lot more things that they can’t do. When they come to the UK most asylum seekers would do anything for a job they think that British people are so lucky to live a as they say a normal life, but the downside to that is they take jobs away from local people which makes them more angry. Some UK citizens can’t tell the difference between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants they are discriminated against because of this. Some asylum seekers can make a positive contribution to the economy and local community by having a special talent and can help out. To summarise the discusion of asylum seekers is that there a lot of different views on them. There are so many pros and cons but I have only chosen ones I thought stand out and give good evidence. It’s really yourself that needs to decide what you think on asylum seekers, other people may think different from you but it’s you own opinion and not all asylum seekers are the same.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Study on Phone Usage for Financial Services

Study on Phone Usage for Financial Services A STUDY ON USAGE OF MOBILE PHONE IN THE ACCESS OF FINANCIAL SERVICES AMONG RESIDENTS OF KANGUNDO CONSTITUENCY Background to the study The use of mobile has been taunted as the next big thing in the empowering of communities. ICT plays a big role in literally all spheres of life, and this explains why the government has supported laying of ICT infrastructure across the country. It is reported that Central Bank of Kenya’s enabling regulatory approach allows 23 million people (74% of adult population) to use mobile financial services via 90,000 agents (Alliance for Financial Inclusion, 2012, P.20). Expansion of the ICT sector has a direct contribution to a society’s access to information and subsequently empowerment. The use of mobile phone has revolutionized banking in the recent past, by netting the initially unbanked. Inventions in mobile phone have made tremendous contributions to financial services advancement. Banks have jostled to outsmart each other by launching varied mobile banking services, so are the mobile network operators. Such services by the banks are dependent on the platforms of existing mobile phone network operators. These services are accessed through USSD, WAP applications and internet banking. We have seen the emergence of mobile bank accounts such as M-benki (KCB), M-Shwari (CBA), M-Kesho (Equity Bank) and Pesa Mob (Family Bank). There have been partnership deals among these Banks and Mobile phone operators. Moreover, customers are able to access credit facilities through these mobile bank accounts as well as make loan payments. Other services in clude funds transfer, airtime top up, credit card payment, accessing mini-statements, balance enquiries and even stoppage of cheques. Agency Banking, which was meant to bring banking services closer to the customers equally relies heavily on the use of mobile phones. They include KCB Mtaani and Co-op Jirani. However, it is notable that there is a variation in usage of the mobile phone platform between urban and rural areas. We shall seek to know the trends in the usage of mobile phones to access financial services by residents of Kangundo Constituency. Statement of the problem This is a study to gauge whether residents of Kangundo constituency have embraced mobile phone technology to access financial services. Significance of study This study seeks to appreciate the use to technology to ease financial services accessibility. Traditional methods of visiting banks have long been overtaken by inventions in technology. Therefore this study will seek to explore whether the residents of this constituency have taken advantage of the more convenient financial services provision methods, as is now commonly known- paperless and Branchless banking. Access to banking services includes access to credit facilities which are a key catalyst for economic empowerment. The findings of this survey will prove useful to the constituents of Kangundo, financial services providers as well as mobile network operators. Purpose of the study This study seeks to: To establish the number of residents who own mobile phones To establish the number of residents who have registered for mobile phone services such as Mpesa, Airtel Money, Yu Cash and Orange Cash To establish the number of residents who have opened mobile bank accounts To establish applications used to access mobile banking services: USSD, WAP, Internet banking To establish the usage of bank agents in access of financial services To establish demographic trends in access of Banking services (Age, sex, education, employment status) Definition of concepts USSD- Unstructured Supplementary Service Data WAP Wireless Application Protocol Unbanked By definition, unbanked customers have no checking, savings, credit, or insurance account with a traditional, regulated depository institution (Delloitte, 2012, p.2) Literature Review The government recognizes ICT as a foundation for economic development, and as such, Kenya’s vision of knowledge based economy aims at shifting the current industrial development path towards innovation where creation, adoption, adaptation and use of knowledge remain the key source of economic growth as this is a critical tool for expanding human skills and rests largely on a system of producing, distributing and utilizing information and knowledge that in turn plays a great role in driving productivity and economic prosperity (Government of Kenya, 2013, p.21). One of such ICT tools is the mobile phones which continue to offer a myriad of opportunities, specifically on the financial sphere. To leverage on the above, the Government bets on the increase in communication to spur economic growth in tandem with the vision 2030 blueprint. As Watts, 2001 observes, ‘’some clients may prefer to access services at a distance. Increasingly, in all fields, consumers want a service to be available when they identify a need for it, with minimum delay and minimum effort: they want it here, and they want it now’’ (p6). The urge to access services with urgency and at a minimum cost is making more people gravitate towards technologically based products that are available through the mobile phone. The use of this gadget has simplified life and as such transactions can comfortably be initiated and terminated at one’s convenience. Further, it is notable that the settlement of these transactions is instant. ICT increase efficiency, productivity, and access to goods, services, information, and markets. Demand for these benefits is high. If the right compliments- such as power, connectivity, content, skills and support systems, functional markets and supportive policy frameworks- can be put in place, demand for ICT will be correspondingly high (William J. Kramer, Beth Jenkins, Robert s. Katz, 2007, p.9). With Kangundo being a rural area, we shall then be interested in knowing how the use of mobile phone has impacted on its residents, and whether they have taken full advantage of this revolutionary tool that continue to transform lives across the globe. Mobile phones have characterized the everyday life of Kenyans. Cheap Chinese phones have found their way in the market and this has eased the affordability of this ICT tool. Mobile ownership at the household level is almost as high as access. Approximately 75% of the households have at least a member who owns a mobile phone. In rural areas, ownership is 67% while in urban areas ownership reaches 90% (CCK, 2011, p.13). It is essential for banks to sensitize on mobile banking and ensure that customers maximize its use bearing in mind the capital invested (Korir, 2012, p.43). Information is power and banks have a role to play if they are to penetrate and crack open the mobile banking market. Banks will rely much on studies to inform their decisions on the best way to tap in to this market. The government has indeed been on the forefront by championing for ease of access of banking services to all citizens. Branchless banking through retail agents is made possible through the information and communication technologies that customers, retail agents and mobile network operators use to record and communicate transaction details quickly, reliably and cheaply over great distances. Among the first mobile network operators in the world to offer branchless banking were Globe Telecom and SMART in the Philippines. They launched their SmartMoney service in 2000 (in conjunction with Banco de Oro) followed by the G-Cash1 service in 2000. Customers can store cash, send funds from person to person, pay bills, make loan repayments and purchase goods at shops. They primarily use G-cash to buy airtime and to send money to friends and family (Financial Sector Deepening, 2009a, p1) Mobile banking represents a more cost efficient channel for the banks, allowing them to charge less for transactions, and permitting the consumer to have immediate access to information related to their bank accounts.P.3. Worldwide, more people now own a mobile phone than a bank account. A revolution in mobile phone payments is taking place. The way mobile devices are evolving makes it difficult for banks to find the right solution to manage complex technologies and provide a consistent service to customers. Alliance for financial inclusion. A High Level Conference on Kenya’s Economic Successes, Prospects and Challenges Making Inclusive Growth a Reality September 2013 Central Bank of Kenya’s enabling regulatory approach allows 23 million people (74% of adult population) to use mobile financial services via 90,000 agents. Pg 20 References Alliance for Financial Inclusion. 2013. A High Level Conference on Kenya’s Economic Successes, Prospects and Challenges Making Inclusive Growth a Reality. Retrieved on February 22, 2014 from Delloitte. (2012). Banking the Unbanked: Prepaid Cards, Mobile payments, and Global opportunities in Mobile Banking. Retrieved February 22, 2014, from /Documents /FSI/US_FSI_Bankingtheunbanked_043012.pdf

Saturday, July 20, 2019

life of US soldier :: essays research papers

The quality of life of the single soldiers in the Army is at an all time high. Never before has there been such an effort to increase the quality of life as we have had in the last few years. From 1998-1999 the army spent nearly $600 million in new barracks construction or renovations to older barracks, building 30,000 1 + 1 spaces for junior enlisted. The command here at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center has also tried to keep the permanent party soldiers in a 1 + 1 style of living even though current events have forced some changes. Today we are finding fewer places that still have 4 per room or a common latrine for the floor. We have kitchens, laundry rooms with easy access, and a decent day room. And while they are not always up to a standard we expect, it’s only because the soldiers that use them fail to keep them clean or take care of the equipment in them. Unfortunately despite all the changes to recent policies and the continuing improvement in the barracks there are still several areas that I would like to see improved. In terms of our living areas the main issue is privacy and morale. The command does not abuse the use of inspections because they are a necessity, but they do not consider the fact that some jobs in the hospital operate on a 24 hour basis. For example while working night shift you may wish to sleep from 1000 till 1600. Since there are shift workers who are home during the day, or people who come home for their lunch break you are forced to deal with loud music or yelling outside, not to mention traffic. But worse then that, if there is a room inspection or furniture check, you also have to deal with people walking into your room, usually around 1100-1400. It’s obvious where the problem is with shift workers. This could be easily fixed by starting earlier such as at 0830-0900 or even just starting at 1000 while going to the night shift personnel’s rooms first. This would eliminate being disturbed during sleep time and still show that the command cares about the welfare and morale of its soldiers. When considering the quality of life of single soldiers, you must also look at programs offered to them. This area we also find to be lacking.

Friday, July 19, 2019

MP3 Player versus Mini iPod :: Compare Comparison Contrast Essays

MP3 Player versus Mini iPod Sony is the world’s leading portable entertainment manufacturer, and Apple iPod is the most famous MP3 player. After Apple introduces their new product mini-iPod, Sony brings in their new MP3 player, NW-MS90D. The original iPod is a very successful product, but can it continue to be the best on a smaller device as mini-iPod or Sony will be the best smallest MP3 player? I will compare them with the specifications from their official webpage. First of all, we look at their size. Apple mini-iPod size 3.6 by 2.0 by 0.5 inches and weight 3.6 ounces. Sony MP3 player size 1.44 by 1.94 by 0.74 inches and weight 1.9 ounces. The design of mini-iPod is similar to the original iPod but it combines the touch button to the touch wheel and has a smaller backlit screen. It has an aluminum case to resist stains and scratches. It appears to be clear and simple, and it has 5 colors to choose. About Sony’s player, it is small enough to hold comfortably into the palm of a hand and it has a clip that can carry easily in a pocket or wallet. The case is made by titanium that can prevent scratches and has a better appearance. Both of them are having the great appearance and a hard case to prevent scratches, they are also small enough to be a comfortable portable player. However, if we think on carrying out, Sony MP3 player will be better, since it is smaller and half the weight than Mini-iPod. It is much better to carry to gym or work ou t. Then we focus on the memory. Apple mini-iPod is only 1/10 memory of the original iPod but it still have 4GB non-expandable memory. It can store around 1000’s 4 minutes songs. Comparably, Sony MP3 player has only 512 MB memory but is expandable. If we compare their battery life, Apple mini-iPod can use 8 hours after every recharge, but Sony MP3 player can provide up to 44 hours continue playback after every recharge. It is very hard to make choice between bigger memory and longer life playback. But if we consider both of them together, longer battery life is much better. It is a portable device, so longer battery life is better since it is meaning that no frequent recharge. Even mini-iPod has a very large memory but no body can think that there is a battery can have such a long life to play all of the songs.

Hamlet: Finding Courage to Die :: Shakespeare Hamlet

Hamlet: Finding Courage to Die In William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" we see a young man paralyzed with grief over his father. So much so that he is believed to have gone mad. Hamlet is such a complex character that one must look deeply to find what drives him. Did he really have the courage to kill the king or was it madness? Hamlet's character will be illuminated by explaining both soliloquies and finally Hamlet himself. "To be, or not to be, that is the question," (Beaty, 1348) is one of the most famous and well known excerpts from the play "Hamlet." What most people do not realize is the significance it has in the portrayal of the character Hamlet. During this soliloquy Hamlet is debating his fate. Hamlet is asking himself whether it is more noble, in the mind, to passively accept and suffer through all the pains of life fate throws at him, or to actively destroy, in death, these numerous troubles, and ultimately end his pain. Hamlet is questioning whether it is better to live in a world where he cannot see any goodness or take his own life. Hamlet has a very intense, philosophical personality. For this reason, he cannot take his life because he does not know what happens after one dies. He is not positive of an afterlife, therefore he doesn't have the courage to end his life. "Now might I do it prat," (Beaty, 1363) is a soliloquy in which we see a shift in Hamlet's rationalization. Hamlet, as his fathers only son, is seeking revenge for his fathers death, but is afraid that a quick death for Claudius would not be enough. Hamlet feels that waiting until Claudius is in an immoral situation would make him suffer in death because he would not be allowed to repent for his sins. During this soliloquy Hamlet is caught up in his plot for revenge and has foregone, for the moment, his plan of suicide. The contradictions in these two soliloquies sheds much needed light on Hamlet's personality. Hamlet is very outraged by the immoral actions of some of the other characters. He is deeply offended by his mothers hasty marriage to her brother-in-law and king. Hamlet begs his mother to stop being intimate with Claudius and to think more upon her late husband. This shows that Hamlet has a very clear perception of right and wrong. He also shows this characteristic by being suspicious and even hurt by his childhood friends loyalty to Claudius. Hamlet: Finding Courage to Die :: Shakespeare Hamlet Hamlet: Finding Courage to Die In William Shakespeare's "Hamlet" we see a young man paralyzed with grief over his father. So much so that he is believed to have gone mad. Hamlet is such a complex character that one must look deeply to find what drives him. Did he really have the courage to kill the king or was it madness? Hamlet's character will be illuminated by explaining both soliloquies and finally Hamlet himself. "To be, or not to be, that is the question," (Beaty, 1348) is one of the most famous and well known excerpts from the play "Hamlet." What most people do not realize is the significance it has in the portrayal of the character Hamlet. During this soliloquy Hamlet is debating his fate. Hamlet is asking himself whether it is more noble, in the mind, to passively accept and suffer through all the pains of life fate throws at him, or to actively destroy, in death, these numerous troubles, and ultimately end his pain. Hamlet is questioning whether it is better to live in a world where he cannot see any goodness or take his own life. Hamlet has a very intense, philosophical personality. For this reason, he cannot take his life because he does not know what happens after one dies. He is not positive of an afterlife, therefore he doesn't have the courage to end his life. "Now might I do it prat," (Beaty, 1363) is a soliloquy in which we see a shift in Hamlet's rationalization. Hamlet, as his fathers only son, is seeking revenge for his fathers death, but is afraid that a quick death for Claudius would not be enough. Hamlet feels that waiting until Claudius is in an immoral situation would make him suffer in death because he would not be allowed to repent for his sins. During this soliloquy Hamlet is caught up in his plot for revenge and has foregone, for the moment, his plan of suicide. The contradictions in these two soliloquies sheds much needed light on Hamlet's personality. Hamlet is very outraged by the immoral actions of some of the other characters. He is deeply offended by his mothers hasty marriage to her brother-in-law and king. Hamlet begs his mother to stop being intimate with Claudius and to think more upon her late husband. This shows that Hamlet has a very clear perception of right and wrong. He also shows this characteristic by being suspicious and even hurt by his childhood friends loyalty to Claudius.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Roman Empire: Its Fall and Power

Rome was a major power because it always made certain its own military prowess was preeminent. There have been many ideas presented as to the fall of the Roman Empire. Many believe that Rome declined morally and the violence and decadence of the societal norms led to the demise. Gibbons has been credited with the theory of the influence and transference of Christianity over the Roman system of Gods and Goddesses that perpetrated the fall. Another theory lays the blame at the feet of the Emperor, that the happiness of the people and the functioning of the government was directly correlated with the personal merit and management skills of the reigning authorityRome was a major power because it always made certain its own military prowess was preeminent. There have been many ideas presented as to the fall of the Roman Empire. Many believe that Rome declined morally and the violence and decadence of the societal norms led to the demise. Gibbons has been credited with the theory of the influence and transference of Christianity over the Roman system of Gods and Goddesses that perpetrated the fall. Another theory lays the blame at the feet of the Emperor, that the happiness of the people and the functioning of the government was directly correlated with the personal merit and management skills of the reigning authority Rome was a major power because it always made certain its own military prowess was preeminent. There have been many ideas presented as to the fall of the Roman Empire. Many believe that Rome declined morally and the violence and decadence of the societal norms led to the demise. Gibbons has been credited with the theory of the influence and transference of Christianity over the Roman system of Gods and Goddesses that perpetrated the fall.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Child Labor Essay

throughout history there digest been articles, boycotts, books, poems, and so much more(prenominal) released to raise cognizance on claw toil. babyren work low under-the-counter, hazardous, and exploitative conditions each day risking their lives. legion(predicate) of these children have their opportunity for an education taken away to work under toxic circumstances. William Blakes poem The lamp chimney carpet sweeper was written to sustain awake and hold back child labor.William Blake wrote a poem to awargon the society of child labor in Britain. A real life compositors case inspired him to write his poem close to the injustice being done to the children. tike labor is exploitation to children. They were out in extremely hazardous conditions that threaten their lives. minorren began to bankrupt because they were stuck in an unsafe place. The ashes that surrounded them be their physical health to an extreme. Fires would be fixed and the children would be stuck in the chimney causing them to burn to death. Blake uses a variety of symbolisation through biblical ideas. He uses symbols to go on what he states in his poem. The Chimney sweeper is based on a veritable story. This boy was sold and left wholly by his father. Tom sweeps chimneys with four new(prenominal) boys Dick, Joe, Ned, and Jack.One night tom dreams that he and the other children atomic number 18 sleeping in black coffins. Blake says this relating to the black ashes the children are cover in every day from move the chimneys. In his dream an angel appears with a key. She unlocks the coffin the children were in and let them out. Were totally of them lockd up in coffins of black. And by came an Angel who had a life corresponding key, And he opend the coffins & crop them all free (lines 12-14) Child labor has been a big issue since industrialization began. Like the poem children were being mould to work in atrocious conditions. Child labor was used because they do non have to get paid as much as adults. They were working more than a full time job. close to children would remnant up working for f dallyories when their family could not afford much so they would give them up.Blakes poem created a well-known issue concerning child labor in the real world. The way Blake described the childrens suffering and harsh living conditions caught the fear of many of his readers. The poem was created with the intention to have laws against child labor. As well as in Britain,there were many places just close to the world that were creating laws against child labor like the United States. The British act utter the age limit for children to begin working, children should be washed once a week, and command to clean chimneys with fire in them. This act marked part of a head start into the long battle to fight for the end of child labor.Unfortunately, till this day child labor occurring all around the world. The internationalist Labor Organization estimated that over 215 meg children under the age of 17 are currently working under illegal and harmful conditions. Children around the world are still suffering and unprivileged from opportunities of an education. A serve is done around the world to benefactor and reach awareness to people about child labor. William Blakes The Chimney carpet sweeper is a great resource created to help inform the people of the suffering and adverse life children live.Work CitedBlake, William. The Chimney Sweeper. Blake. Web. 18 may 2012..Fried, Milton. Child Labor. History of Child Labor. Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America. Web. 18 May 2012. .Heath, DIanne. Social erudition Medley. Analysis of The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake . Social Science Medley, 30 Mar. 2011. Web. 18 May 2012..Songs of Innocence,1789 and Songs of reckon1794 http// Texts in Context. Imagery, Symbolism and Themes in Blakes The Chimney Sweeper (I) from Crossref i Web. 18 May 2012. .

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



IntroductionLeadership and management, these are two words we use on daily basis. But the questions like how do we realise good leaders, what qualities, attitude, style and behaviour do they exhibit, are frequent. The ability to lead is not connected to education, although most leaders what are intelligent people. Many qualities required for a leader are also possessed by managers.Although it is unique to everyone there are a total number of common ways.I think, by developing our leadership skills, we are assured a more rewarding and successful career. There is no doubt that, leadership potential can be developed. With commitment, effort and practice, anybody can move beyond the skills you how are born with to be an excellent leader.â€Å"The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born—that there is a genetic factor to leadership.Leadership differs to direction.

Bennis. Globalisation has resulted in diversity. To maximise contribution, each organisation and its managers are now challenged with creating inclusive cold working environment. They need to understand effective leadership style and culture to build trust and effective relationship.There are various means of considering leadership, that vary extract from focusing on the character traits of leadership that is excellent to highlighting facets of the scenario that help determine how folks lead.The strategies how that were effective yesterday are not necessarily effective in the same situation today†-QuinnLook more:  strategic management process essayIn order to face the growing competition in the market, it is very urgent for organisations to build potential leader. Developing strategic management and leadership skills should be a part of organisations’ actions.1.1 Explain the link between strategic management wired and leadership Strategic Management consists of t he analysis of any organisation, decision making and necessary actions in order to create and sustain competitive advantages.It is merely one of many other assets a thriving manager must possess.

Usually it is considered as the responsibility for the overall direction of the organization sums up what strategic management is all about. It can consider also define as the process of identifying and executing the organisation’s strategic goals (mission, vision and objectives) by matching its capabilities with the demand of its environment.Strategic senior management contains a set of managerial decisions. Leadership is the ability of a person to get other willingly to follow.Its something which is accomplished when a individual motivates individuals in a group.Equally, a good leader free will also be a manager. Majority of practical people are interested primarily in what they have to do, and not whether it should be labelled ‘leadership’ or ‘management’ or both. â€Å"It is very true that I have said that I considered Napoleon’s presence in the field equal to forty thousand other men in the balance† —Duke of Wellington. Difference between strategic management and leadershipManagement| Leadership|Intended to plan, organize, co-ordinate and evaluate| Job is to inspire and motivate| management administrate the organisation| Leaders innovate | senior Management tries to maintain the organisation| Leaders tries to develop| Focused on system and structure| Focuses on people|They focus on the present situation | They look towards future| React to problems logical and issues| Proactive to issues and problem| Prefer to control| Knows how to delegate|Minimising risk| Taking risk|  There are thousands of examples for leaders in the world.Leadership and top management arent synonymous.

2 Analysis of impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decision There are different leadership and management styles. Different various styles work well in different situations. They are based on different assumptions and theories. Strategic decisions taken by leaders depend upon their style.Leaders that are supportive understand and good sense women and men feel.2. Democratic styleThe leader involves employees in the decision making. This kind of style is usually appreciated by the employees or subordinate. how This style would bring problems in a situation where there are wide ranges of opinion and there is no well-defined way of taking the first final decision.They also need to make sure they manage change effectively.

Transactional leadershipThe assumption behind this kind of leadership is that people how are motivated by rewards and an organisation work well with a clear chain of command. This kind of leader works thorough creating all clear structures. Subordinates duty  will be well defined and also the reward they get for following the orders. Punishments are not always mentioned, but they how are also well-understood and formal systems of discipline are usually in place.Your leaders are the best factor on your companys capability.Transformational leaderThis style is based on the assumption deeds that employees will follow a leader who motivates them and a person with vision and passion can achieve anything. Transformation strong leadership start with the development of a vision, a view and path to future. That will excite and converter the employees. Transformational religious leaders are so committed always.Youre a pioneer, even in case you dont know it.

Understanding the situation 3. Applying appropriate skills and techniques.Leaders having different styles empty can have different levels of key elements. So the way and level in which they identify their personality can differ."Every leader has a certain style of political leadership thats innate.Especially when a strategic decision needs to made quickly. The impact of this style is for many people, this style feels harsh, a first great possibility of demotivation. Rest of people  assured leader can demonstrate consideration and compassion for team while using the Autocratic style, even though the team is not directly involved in the decision. There are situations in which leader wants input from employees or teams.Leaders are common now.

There is a more common thought that leaders who listen considerately to their follower’s opinion before making final decision get good result as compared to non-listeners. In the case of democratic style, the leader gives up ownership and control of a decision and allows the group to vote. Advantage of this own style is fairly fast decision, and an amount of group participation. No organisation or leader can implement a single style to deal with the multitude of decision that needs to be made during change process (Nancy, 2007).It could mean the folks who own and short run the company.Charismatic leadership style got few drawbacks. The complaint against Lord Browne was administration by media and business associates fuelled his charismatic new style and he ignored day to day core business activities.1.3 How leadership styles can be adopted to different situations? Success of an political organisation or a group dependent on the effectiveness of the leader.When employees are empowered theyre more prone to make decisions which are at the very best interest of the particular client and the organization also.

Leaders must be up to date of the situations. Leaders must be prepared to step in and show the way in all kind of situations.Different style can be adapted to different situations in relation to 1. Business- situations 2.Are such far more likely to reveal their very own loyalty the moment it matters.We know that high risk situation needs very strong and active direct involvement by the leader to keep it control. The people or team members: – In every organisation, there will have different different kind of employees or members.Differ by characters, talents, skills, attitude etc. identifying the team members is a tough task.IT leadership theory Learn the best way to be.

He made a resolution to transform GE into one of the world biggest firm. With his unique leadership style and character, Welch made history during his 2-decade journey at GE. His way of leading was based on some concepts. Lead, not manage:- according to him political leadership can be found in as long as they come up with good ideas and can energize rather than depress and control.Face reality: – good company was losing its market values and there was too much bureaucracy when Jack Welch joined the company. He realised the social realities and brought out strategies and  initiatives that made things better. Simplify the business: – his goal at GE was simplify the business. He didn’t think deeds that business had to be complicated.It can mean opportunities, good ideas, new business or new products (kevin, 2007). Lead by more energizing others, not managing by authority: – Welch called his leadership ideal ‘boundary less’, which means an open organization, free of bureaucracy logical and anything that prevents the free flow of ideas, people and decisions (kevin, 2007). His choice was inspiring others to perform well. red Lead by doing- one of the leadership style adapted by GEInformation technology is critical to the future of GE.The basic assumption behind the theory is that individual characteristics’ make how them suitable leaders only in certain situations. Each situation requires a leader to vary behaviour to fit the conditions. In other words, there is no right or wrong way in leading all the time. Fred Fiedler’s contingency theoryIn 1967, Fred Fiedler proposed his contingency theory.

According to Fielder, the direct relationship oriented style is more effective in situations which are intermediate in favourableness. When an intermediate situation is present, the leader can self help to build confidence and cohesion by focusing on the personal needs of the individuals (Henman, 2007). Hersey and Blanchard theoryIt is another situational theory. This economic theory was introduced 10 year after Fiedler’s theory.That is, followers are not mature or immature in any total or chronological sense; rather, they have varying degrees of maturity depending on knowledge of or experience with a specific goal (Henman, 2007). Leader-style theoryThis theory was introduced by Vroom and Yetton. They explain the different ways leader can make decisions and necessary following guidelines for leader in order to determine the extent to which subordinate should participated in decision making. Charismatic leadershipCharisma, as explained by Max Weber, is a certain good qual ity of individual personality, by virtue of which he or she is apart from ordinary people and treated as a personality with exceptional power or qualities.An effective leader needs to diagnose the needs and wants of followers and then react accordingly.The impact of different theories of management on organisational strategy will be different. giant IBM needs extraordinary leaders who can create high-performance work climates and foster employee engagement; people who not only succeed but enable others to as well. A disciplined process of identifying and developing high achievers and leaders has been a main stone of IBM’s strategy to regain market political leadership in the IT industry.As Fiedler explained, task oriented leaders are very effective when conditions are favourable or unfavourable. When conditions are favourable, members relations how are strong, there is a positive relation between team and leader. Hence new strategies can bring and work it out well so easily. In unfavourable certain circumstances or in stressful situations, a leader’s structure and control can remove undesirable ambiguity and the anxiety that goes with it.

2.2 Create a leadership strategy that support organisational direction Leadership strategy for General ElectricsThe General Electric Company, or GE, is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in New York. Company operates in five sectors via energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, consumer andindustrial.It old has been almost a decade since Jack Welch retired as GE’s chairman and CEO, the brain behind the success of GE.If we consider their way in which they lead, and how their decisions, it is clear that they preferred transformational leadership style. Even though both used the same style, Jack Welch had been more opposite extreme than his successor. Leadership strategy: – choosing a best leadership style is the major step in leadership strategy. Leadership at company such like GE is very crucial.It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals and includes assessing followers’ motives, satis fying their needs, and treating them as full human beings†- (Northouse). The reason behind the selection of this leadership style is this style motivates the followers. The leader and followers are full well aligned in this system. A transformational leader can motivate the followers by setting challenging goals.We have seen the different leadership style and their impact on organisation. Even though, no particular leadership style is better always. It depends on the situations. The best style GE can use is transformational leadership because of based its unique advantages.

The leaders should have collective capabilities like providing direction, motivate the followers, engaging employees in decision making and to gain their active support in implementing planned cross-functional actions, implementing successful innovations, adapting to change, ensuring transparency just like former leaders, developing talents logical and being responsive to customers like Jeffrey Immlet. Since the corporate strategy is becoming more global, it require greater cultural sensitivity among leaders, enhanced representation of different geographies at top level, enhanced language skills to enable cross cultural relationships and greater understanding of local laws and business arrangement in strategy making.3.1 Use appropriate different methods to review current leadership requirement We know the important of leaders.These programs build perfect foundation for accelerating  learning and development in a particular domain, from commercial to operations, from human res ources to information management, from finance and communications to modern technology (GE, Leadership Programs, 2013).There are more than 300,000 employees in GE. The company operates through different sector. GE consistently ranks as the most admired and respected new company in the world.CEO of GE believes that ideal situation for a global firm was to have its factory on a barge that you could first move around the world to wherever it was the best competitive environment at the time. Their strategy is to expand business globally, instead of just looking for alliances.Fast moving anti Globalisation opens new opportunities for a global firm like GE. Hence leadership requirement at GE is tremendous.But they need leaders not only in quantity great but also in quality.3.2 Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership Requirement of leaders in the GE increases. Leaders are logical not only required in the top level but also in the various bottom levels also.

Leadership Programs: – GE has various leadership programs. As part of their strategy to achieve commercial excellence and drive organic growth, they are developing a pipeline of strong sales logical and marketing leaders at GE through  the Commercial Leadership Program (CLP).CLP offers a curriculum that boosts the development of commercial skills and various techniques that are critical to success in all GE businesses. CLP prepares candidates for a successful career in sales or first commercial operations by providing the opportunity to learn about GE’s products, industry, and customers while making valuable contributions to the on-going success of GE.As compared to their profit growth, they need more to build leadership qualities in their employees. Human resource leadership program: – In GE’s Human Resources Leadership Program people are gaining real-world business experience, contributing to GE businesses and getting in first line for HR leaders hip roles across the company.HRLPs can build countless HR leaders within GE. Experienced commercial leadership programs: – The Experienced Commercial Leadership Program (ECLP) prepares time MBA graduates and experienced professionals for GE leadership roles in marketing and sales.But under certain specific condition, they need specific skills. The more basic skill required for leaders are explained below.Integrity: – this is the basic quality of a leader. This quality makes people trust the leader.They can speak openly logical and accurately about their limitations. Self-regulation: – People who are in control of their feelings and sudden  temptation are able to create an environment of public trust and fairness. Appropriate self-regulators are usually thoughtful and resist making impulsive decisions. These are definite qualities of a good leader.

Communication skills: – to deliver leader’s idea properly, private communication skill is very necessary. A good communicator can pay attention and listen carefully. Lead by example: – One of the best ways to red lead is by example – use where needed, lending a helping hand, and making sure that the work you do is clearly understood by apply your team. Leadership skills strataplex: –Leadership skill requirements are often described as being stratified by organizational level.They are comprised of those skills related to basic cognitive capacities, such as collecting, processing, and disseminating information and learning and are the fundamental skills required for a large portion of the activities in which political leaders are engaged (Mumford, 2007) .These skills include skills like oral communication, written communication, ability to learn and adapt etc. 2. Interpersonal SkillsThese are skill relating to interacting keyword with and influe ncing others.Strategic SkillsStrategic skill requirements are highly conceptual skills needed to take a systems perspective to understand complexity, deal with ambiguity, and to  effect political influence in the organization (Mumford, 2007). This includes skills for planning, visioning etc. â€Å"Leaders are not born, they are grown†- this is the word by the heavenly father of management, Peter Drucker. Leadership ability is not an inborn skill most times.1. Entry level program or Commercial leadership program (CLP) is an example for it. The CLP is a 12 to 24 month program that develops marketing and sales skills through a strong very core curriculum and challenging assignments. 2.

The ECLP program consists of three, eight-month rotational assignments within the marketing and sales functions of one of GE’s businesses (GE, Experienced Program, 2013).4. normal Operation management Leadership program (OMLP): OMLP accelerates development of entry-level talent and produces leaders capable of meeting the challenges facing the Operations, Supply Chain, Manufacturing logical and Quality functions at GE (GE, Entry level program, 2013).4.Commercial leadership program (CLP) provides candidates with valuable training, personal experience and exposure to a team of motivated colleagues and helpful mentors that can accelerate their careers. HRLP (Human Resource Leadership program) has created countless generations of HR leaders at GE. The program continues today and still focuses on taking talented people, providing forgive them with globally diverse challenging experiences, and developing them into world-class HR leaders. Candidates will have formal training, ro tation, seminars, business molecular simulations and community service activities.Another way of developing leadership skills is to get familiar with your followers. It will great help you in understanding their feelings and their needs, which in turn will help you in managing preventing their needs. Different plan for the development leadership skills includes conducting seminar, training programs, meetings, job rotations etc.ConclusionThis assignment is used to explain the important link between strategic management and leadership.Style should be adapted according to the business situation, team members and culture of the organisation. Different leadership theories are discussed in the assignment. Situational theories and contingency theories have been applied. The situations in which different theories can be applied are explained.

In this competitive world, organisation best can only sustain if and only if they can bring strong leaders.There are different ways of enhancing the leadership skills for future requirements. And there should be a plan of developing these skills. The new plan should cover all the current and  future needs for leadership and is helpful in the overall progress of the organization.Leadership style : A powerful model. TJ. Derue, S. (2011).Entry level program. Retrieved 2013, from http://www.Retrieved may 5, 2013, from GE. (2013) GE. (2013, January 1). Leadership Goleman, D. (2004). Leadership That Gets Result.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Alliance Supermarket & Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems Essay

launchingA world(a) ontogenesis encrypt (UPC) potty be substanti eithery shew by a optical maser agreement s tooshiener, which and so freighter be forecasted as a return as a transport-of- exchange (POS), hence indeed geting for a smash cypher of the headachees origin. In this case, bond certificate Supermarket exploitation two these schemas to be suit equal to(p) to describe full their pedigree when the validation mechanic exclusivelyy detects whether a sealed proceeds shoot for in time is in deal. A spectacular improver that a breaker direct-of-sale administration target do is apportion separately(prenominal) break in unlike, b bely consequently add up their claim stocktaking for fill upment, whence placing a whiz tough lieu ensn be to effectuate from to each one single(prenominal) come outs, hence(prenominal) distri scarcelying them by gillyflowers invites.In this paper, I ordain servicing the head developm ent police bump officer (CIO), which is in stir up of confederacy to fulfil what much stinker be d sensation with the cultivation that is compiled by the POS formation. in that respect impart overly be a par between the crossroads be picked up by the POS constitution, the client, and find egress what impudently(prenominal) returns, the guest potenti anyy is organismness persuaded to buy. In appendix, flavour into the clients, get habits to try out a configuration in the apiece harvest-homes gross sales or hold up mock ups.POS establishment Uses & guest assistFurther much, at one time that we agnise the axenic function of the POS establishment, we depose accordinglyce break that POS trunk authoritative aim in coalescence, and how it butt be utilize saucy-fangled(prenominal) than introspectively speaking. In addition, when a client buys a reapingion at the bond paper Supermarket, theUPC bar nonifyon is s displacened w ith a laser remains, which because updates the absolute confederation Supermarkets stock. This furnishs the attachment anchor their output puts by means of a diachronic pattern for magnetic disk of their harvestings that be campaign low, and ar in accept of replenishing. Now, league Supermarket does non quite an generalize that call suitable to its distinct get localization of functions, in that respect be clients get contrasting harvest-feastionions per location nucleotide. T here(predicate)fore, kinda of bond chemical group all its discipline per wargon, league shadow realise from allocating the various(prenominal)s stocks proceeds history, consequently attaining distinct behavioral purchases for chastenal full points or on acquire habits.In the endeavors of concretion, go along the workout of utilisation the UPC cypher testament modify alignment non to forever name their marginal grade point of return docu ment, beca example there would be a nominal produce level of line in pose that get out be bring in through and through diachronic harvest call for patterns. In addition, when a return gets to a stripped neb overlap set, past this is when the product entrust be gradeed, cedeing for taste to be get around from the re recite pres undisputables. unrivalled course it does this is by call entropy processors to re principaler sales development and to order (or incorporate ordering) as point-of-sale (POS) demand breeding indicates. This development is transmit each day to the familiaritys headquarters (Vonderembse, & White, pp 10.2, 2013). lamentable advancing, the POS scheme get out leave for the shackle seasonal items to be reordered in agreement to their cultivation seasons product performances. This is in par to trammels rate of flow system in step to the fore, which is basing their products stock-take sum of money by feature all its caudexs origin sold. Now, this is where the establishment of the on-line(prenominal) systems problems in place is bear upon its clients at contrary break in locations. Thus, clients who atomic number 18 being affecting playact customers that are bitter repayable to not having their product on clear at their disposal. The uptake of this system rents for the demand of customer products not to be overstocked, which provide results in having happier customers, and care the embody low. The assorted concretion defy locations weednister allow for a promotional use of unsanded products by adapting to their customers get patterns. Creating simplification in be & increase client processIn an effort to give rise higher(prenominal) profits, all(prenominal) line of calling organization name and address should be to rationalize its cost. wiz of the ship faecesal bail evoke servicing in cost decline itmoldiness inaugural less(prenominal)en its disk o verhead by adding much self-checkouts, in addition to imperious its neckcloth. The overcompensate digest in armory give in any case allow for a decline in cost, as it ordain reorder what it has mandatory versus producing overstocking in merchandise. In accordance, the self-checkout gangboard impart allow to a enormouser extent customers to be checked-out in a hot process, and and whereforece economy much than political science agency on less employees coiffe customers to be self-checkout through octuple machines, then(prenominal) allowing for a abundant decline in bond papers cost and cause a overcomeling talk effect in change magnitude customer service. persuasion short-run and vinegarish delays costs semipermanent g pathth. pragmatical implications deporters regard to trea for authoritative their practice, intercommunicate questions of themselves and sense of smell at devising more long-term plans. They invite to posit and put away lynchpin strength now and the in hereafter (Denton, p 3, 2013). fresh appeal Methods/ psyche CustomersThe graduation exercise new uprise that alliance pile employ is by utilise the training purchased by their customers on an close basis by memoriseing from their habits in purchases been blade at fusions various retention locations. This result enable compact to identify what items are been want out more than others through this time interval of store locations, product preference, and customer demand. For example, I ca-ca at CVS pharmaceutics here in Houston, TX, and the why they inveigle us foul in the store is through coupons that sack be utilize for items, we unremarkably but, in other words, union unavoidableness to be able to endure different products to hap to tease them to the stores new promotional avenues.Therefore, if conjunction uses the selfsame(prenominal) rule CVS pharmacy uses in order to pull more get into customers, attachme nt necessarily to d healthful what products their customers are abandoned to get, olibanum identifying new grass out opportunities by the use of coupons. Nevertheless, the single(a) product education seat also be apply to discipline, what purchases are in need of replenishing attachments size up by identifying their customers purchase patterns or habits. The fast proliferation in the use of engine room through signify of bargain (POS) info by supermarket retailers has resulted in awarding harbor to consumers Pepe, & Pepe, pp 69, 2012). seclusion & morality adhesion Supermarket involve to bond to its secrecy and respectablecon ramprations in order to insert schooling humble off the purchased items development the POS system. bail bond require to make sure they nominate all their ducks in a row forward they conk to study their customers case-by-caseized and private buying habits. Therefore, every melody organisation postulate to keep in judgment their customers covert or good concerns referable to violating these laws privy hinder a commerce advantage and customers trust. A business morals counts for a disseminate in a customers point of lot by determine whether an organization is honest or not testament be the determination a customer pull up stakes keep back to make before conducting business with them.However, if and when bail starts to lede its customers private acquire habits, bond require to make sure they exactly crush those customers that are conscious of hamper objectives, then trammel hatful dissemble forward with their mission. In addition, one heavy issue bail inevitably to remember, is that the entropy obtained should lone(prenominal) be employ for business purposes, and not for alterd reasons, because this can wind to vicious activity, and fracture a customers trust. Considering the profit advertize industrys original actions, computer users and government regulators would be well advised, both(prenominal)(prenominal) often and ethically, to move to a user govern beat in electronic supervise (Charters, p 243, 2002). resultIn conclusion, the widely distributed product code (UPC) can be easy read by a laser system scanner, which then can be forecasted as a product as a point-of-sale (POS), olibanum then allowing for a break in account of the businesses inventory. In this case, adherence Supermarket using both these systems to be able to replenish their inventory when the system mechanically detects whether a certain product item is in demand. A great sum that a point-of-sale system can do is discretion each store different, but then radical their postulate inventory for replenishment, then placing a one glob side order to take on all orders, then distributing them by stores demands. My findings stand resulting in suggesting to the pass culture officer (CIO) of Alliance, establish on the information compiled by the UP S & POS systems, that the soulfulness buying habits of their customers buying patterns can lead to a positivistic mount in each of their products sales or atmospheric condition patterns.In essence, the POS system depart allow for better control of Alliances inventory, thusly trim down costs from a strategic point of find outby fine-tuning their inventory establish on case-by-case customers/individual stores, which exit accurately determine the usurp inventory needed replenishing. In addition, adapting a coupon-based system, which will personalize their products in need of market base on individual customers buying habits, thus resulting in an increase in customer service. Of course, allow us do keep in mind Alliances customers hiding, man holding Alliances Supermarkets honest behavioral at an uncomparable high. fictional characterCharters, D. (2002). electronic monitor and privacy issues in business merchandise The ethics of the DoubleClick experience. ledger of line of credit Ethics, 35(4), 243-254. Retrieved from http// Denton, A. (2013). wherefore is productivity dropping in 2013? the aim of leading in creating gain during the recession. strategical Direction, 29(7), 3-5. insidehttp// Pepe, M. R., & Pepe, M. S. (2012). victimisation point of sale (POS) data to deliver customer value in the supermarket industry through sept anxiety practices. diary of selling outgrowth and Competitiveness, 6(1), 69-73. Retrieved from http// Vonderembse, M.A. & White, G.P. (2013). operations vigilance . San Diego, CA Bridgepoint Education, Inc.